Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lawsuit Loans Give You Options

Serious debt is a common reason that plaintiffs don't file a lawsuit when they have been injured in an accident. Pre-settlement funding provides plaintiffs with options so that they can move ahead by filing a claim if they wish to. Lawsuits can take a very large financial toll, but help is available for those who need it. Don't let justice go unserved because of your financial situation.

Lawsuit loans, while not actually loans, are designed to help people seek compensation they deserve for injuries, pain and suffering, and other costs. These are actually more of a cash advance given by the litigation financing company. If the plaintiff does win their case, they pay the financing company back a pre-determined amount. When the outcome results in a loss of the plaintiffs case, no money is owed to the lawsuit funding company.

Pre-settlement funding can potentially help plaintiffs avoid serious debt and bankruptcy. US civil court cases can take months and sometimes years to reach a verdict, which puts many people in financial straits. By obtaining lawsuit loans, the plaintiff can continue to pay monthly household bills, medical fees, attorney fees and other costs while pursuing justice.

Serious accidents can cause injuries that may prevent the plaintiff from working for an extended period of time. This is why it is impossible for many victims of accidents to file a claim. They don't have the money, and don't realize that help is available so that they can get the compensation they deserve. Your attorney can discuss the advantages of litigation financing with you, and help you determine what steps you should take.

Obtaining a lawsuit loan is a very simple process. Usually, the plaintiff or their chosen attorney will contact a company who offers this service, and submit the necessary documentation and information so that the lawsuit funding company can determine if your case merits their services. This process is quick and usually only takes a couple of days to decide.

When you choose to take out a lawsuit loan, it is a non-recourse debt. This means that you will only repay the money to the litigation financing company in the event that you do win your lawsuit. Often, plaintiffs feel a sense of relief knowing that if they do not win their case, they won't be even deeper in debt because of repaying the advance. Pre-settlement funding is definitely a course of action you should consider if you have been injured in an accident and cannot otherwise afford to file a lawsuit.

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