Thursday, June 25, 2009

Top Five Reasons To Sign A Prenuptial Agreement

If you are about to wed, the issue of a prenuptial agreement is likely to be mentioned at some stage. After numerous high profile divorce cases, an increasing number of people are understandably worried about protecting their assets if the worse should happen. Yet talking about a divorce before you've even gotten married seems like a horrible things to do, and the very epitome of romance being dead. But consider this – can you really afford not to have a prenuptial in place? Here are some of the most convincing reasons to sign a prenuptial agreement before you say “I do”:

1. You may not always be in love and happy.
Right now, you're in love, you're getting married, and the birds are singing and life is wonderful. You probably can't imagine being without your spouse to be. But think back over your life – do we, as humans, always stay close and loving with those we care about? Rummage through your past and you'll probably find at least one person you once thought was amazing, but now think is a waste of oxygen. No one is saying that will happen with your future spouse; but it might. Think back to that person you now dislike; how would you feel if they walked away with half of your hard earned cash? Suddenly, a prenuptial seems like a good idea, doesn't it?

2. Love is blind
Sometimes, we can't see the wood for the trees; humans are fallible, we all make mistakes. When we're in love, these mistakes are all the more likely to occur as the chemical dopamine takes us over. As humans, we do make mistakes – but the point is to learn from them. We've all seen disastrous divorces in the media, where someone leaves with far less money than they entered the marriage with; these people were in love once, too. Learn from their mistakes rather than your own.

3. There's no harm in being prepared.
Look at it like this; when you get in a car, you put a seatbelt on. That doesn't mean you are planning to crash the car, just that you're ready for the worst should it happen. It doesn't mean you're saying you're a bad driver, or that you don't trust other road users, it's just about being safe. A prenuptial agreement should be viewed in exactly the same way.

4. Weigh up the win/lose scale.
If you do make a prenuptial agreement, you may seem unromantic and like you are trying to focus on the bad rather than the good. If you don't agree a prenuptial agreement, you could lose all of your assets, find yourself homeless and at the mercy of a judge you don't know and who doesn't know you. Most people would rather be protected and viewed as a little unromantic than risk the latter.

5. You calm the fears of others.
Particularly if you are wealthy and getting married, your friends and family may worry about what will happen in the event of a divorce. Your partner, if less wealthy than yourself, may become subjected to behind-the-back slurs accusing them of being a gold-digger. By signing a prenuptial contract, you are effectively telling the world that this is about love for your partner and not your money; and minds will be eased as a result.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post!!
    A prenuptial agreement is a legally bind contract created by two people before they marry,which addresses such issues as property rights and to achieve this you need an experienced lawyer to handle your case effectively.Divorce Lawyers Sydney
