Thursday, June 25, 2009

Legal Issues Information: What are Product Liability Lawsuits?

Product liability lawsuits are lawsuits that are filed as the result of a product causing injury or death. When you have been a victim of a faulty product, you may take your claim to a personal injury lawyer so that they can evaluate the situation. They will research if there have been other cases of injury involving the product. They will also ensure that the injury did not occur as a result of improper use of the product. The personal injury lawyer has to determine that there is a case before they will take it.

The most successful product liability lawsuits are those that involve a product that has, in fact, been deemed faulty because several injuries have been recorded when the product was being used as directed. Any time a product is being used outside of its normal operation, this can easily be determined when it causes an injury. And if there are more cases involving the same product, then that is when a personal injury lawyer will work to arrange a class action lawsuit.

Class action lawsuits that are the result of a faulty product tend to be very successful. Actually, they are more successful than if you tried to go about the lawsuit on your own. This is because it is the company against a lot of people. After the lawsuit is filed, companies will usually pull the product from the shelves to make it safer. They will do a total product recall, offering to make the product safer for those who own it or give them a refund. They also have to compensate the class in some way. That compensation may be determined in a settlement or the case will go to trial where a jury may decide what sort of compensation everyone deserves. Compensation may also be determined based on the severity of the case.

If you or someone you love has been injured or harmed by the negligence of another party, speaking with a Bakersfield product liability attorney, commercial litigation attorney, or wrongful death attorney is the first step in protecting your rights and the rights of your loved ones.

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