Thursday, June 25, 2009

Why you should seek help for your workers injury

The number of employees who fail to file a workers compensation claim is startling. While the number of employees who do file claims in Australian states is high, even more workers do not. Failure to receive treatment for workers injury accidents is dangerous and puts others at risk too. If you’ve been injured on the job, getting the help you need should not be neglected.

Why workers injury go unreported?

Many workers fail to file a claim for their injuries because of:
  • Fear- Fear is a strong motivator for workers who are afraid that if they report their injuries they’ll be harassed, demoted, or even fired. Often these feelings are unwarranted, but in situations where they are proven to be true, legal assistance should be sought in the matter.
  • Intimidation- Some companies balk at having to pay workers compensation claims and intimidate their employees into not filing at all. If you have witnessed this or are currently being subjected to it, you should seek legal counsel.
  • Believe that they can’t afford to-Being injured on the job often results in time off from work and lost wages, but these damages are covered under workers compensation and in most cases will be recouped once the claim is filed.
  • Lack of knowledge-Although having workers compensation is required by law in Australia, not every employee is aware that they have a right to file a claim if they are injured.

Why you should report your injuries?

It is your legal right- The law states that you have a right to be compensated for your injuries. Why carry the burden of medical bills, lost wages, and more on your own back when you don’t have to?

Your health is priceless- There is nothing that can replace your health. If you don’t take care of your injuries you could forever alter your livelihood.
Time will eventually run out- There are statute of limitations on workers injury claims, you don’t have until forever to file a claim. Don’t wait until it’s too late to get the compensation you need.

It can affect your work performance- Working while injured is dangerous and can affect the way in which you do your job. Your injury could slow you down, cause you to injure someone else, or even get you fired for poor performance. Why take the risk?

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